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Reducer Composition with combineReducers & Implementation

Reducer Composition with combineReducers()

Since reducer composition is so common in Redux, there's a helper function combineReducers()

So now instead of this:

const todoApp = (state = {}, action) => {
return {
todos: todos(
visibilityFilter: visibilityFilter(

We can do this:

const { combineReducers } = Redux; // CDN Redux import
const todoApp = combineReducers({
todos: todos,
visibilityFilter: visibilityFilter

This code generates our top level reducer. The only argument to combineReducers() is an object that specifies the mapping between the state field names and the reducers that manage them.

The return value of combineReducers() is a reducer function that is pretty much equivalent to what we wrote earlier.

By convention, the state keys should be named after the reducers that manage them. Because of this, we can use ES6 object literal shorthand notation to accomplish the same thing like this:

const todoApp = combineReducers({

Implementing combineReducers() from Scratch

Now that we know how to use combineReducers() to save us some time, let's implement it from scratch in order to understand it deeper.

Recall that the only argument to combineReducers() is a function declaration to map through our reducers, so we'll start by writing a function that accepts a parameter we'll call "reducers".

Since combineReducers() returns a reducer function, it must have the signature of a reducer function (the state and an action).

Inside of our return reducer, we call the Object.keys() function to get all the keys from our reducers object (in our example, this is todos and visibilityFilter).

We then run reduce() on the keys because we want to produce a single value that represents the next state. We do this by accumulating over every key and running its associated reducer.

Since each reducer that is run through combineReducers() is responsible for only part of the application's overall state, we say that the next state for a given key can be calculated by calling the corresponding reducer for the given key with the current state (for the given key) & the action.

The array reduce wants us to return the next accumulated value from the callback (i.e. nextState). We also specify an empty object as the initial next state before all the keys are processed.

const combineReducers = reducers => {
return (state = {}, action) => {
// Reduce all the keys for reducers from `todos` and `visibilityFilter`
return Object.keys(reducers).reduce(
(nextState, key) => {
// Call the corresponding reducer function for a given key
nextState[key] = reducers[key] (
return nextState;
{} // The `reduce` on our keys gradually fills this empty object until it is returned.

Call combineReducers with an object whose values are the reducer functions and keys are state fields they manage.

const todoApp = combineReducers({

It's okay that we are mutating the empty object representing nextState, because it was created within the combineReducers() function and not passed in from the outside. Thus, our function remains pure.

It's important to understand functional programming-- functions can take other functions as arguments, and return other functions. Knowing this will increase productivity with Redux in the long term.

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